The functionality is accessible only if the client has a customer business transaction available.
The overview of Liability Invoices enables the display of all your liabilities towards the supplier which the factoring company received for purposes of liability accession.
The liability invoices can be filtered in the overview.
Overview of Liability Invoices
The following information is displayed in the overview:
Matching Code – the matching code of the liability invoice
Phase—the status the liability invoice is in:
– a new liability invoice was
imported to the factoring company
– a factoring company employee
confirmed a written liability invoice, i.e. a formal check of
the essentials was carried out (e.g. whether invoice import
took place correctly, whether certain required data is missing
on the invoice or whether the invoice contains obviously
incorrect information)
– the liability invoice was
financed by the suppliers (or a payment order to the bank has
been issued)
Completed with accession
invoice settlement was carried out, i.e. the money paid to the
supplier was deducted from the factoring company
– the invoice was cancelled due
to error
Cancelled beyond limit
– the invoice was
cancelled due to limit withdrawal
Product—the product for which you signed a contract with the factoring company (liability accession, liability accession with insurance)
Issue Date, Due Date of the liability invoice
Date Received – the date on which the factoring company received the liability invoice in their records
Financing from, Financing to – the dates that specify the interval during which the factoring company will finance the liability invoice for the supplier (if the invoice falls within the limit)
Factoring Company Due Date – the date until which your company is liable to pay the factoring company a part of the liability invoice (the due date set by the factoring company to its client)
Supplier, Co. Reg. No., ID—information concerning the supplier of the liability invoice
Invoice Amount—the currency and total amount including VAT for the liability invoice
Commission – the commission amount that you will pay the factoring company (excluding VAT)
By pressing the button in the
overview, you create a new invoice into which data from a selected
liability invoice is copied.
The liability invoice overview containing the items specified above can be printed using the overview of liability invoices with settlements.
Export to CSV
Pressing the button enables the export of
the overview into the CSV format (e.g. for Microsoft Excel).
Liability Invoice Filter
Using the filter of liability invoices, you can define the selection conditions in such a way so as to display only necessary information, e.g. liability invoices of one customer (Co. Reg. No.), liability invoices up to a certain due date (Due Date to) or liability invoices in a selected phase.
If the Non-specified
filter is selected in the
overview, liability invoices with an issue date according to the
system settings (e.g. from 1.1.2005) are displayed in the
Enter the period in which the liability invoice was completed into the Completion Date from/to item. The purchased invoice completion date is understood as the last date of the transition into one of the possible invoice end phases:
Completed with accession (U)
Cancelled (X)
Cancellation beyond limit (S)
Liability Invoice detail
Pressing the button displays the
following data:
In the upper part of the dialog, the Liability Invoice Information tab is displayed providing detailed information about the liability invoice (the Matching Code, Invoice Amount, Invoice Currency, Financed Amount, Issue Date, Due Date, Tax Point Date, Regression/Guarantee Date, Finance Date from and Finance Date to). If you click the Supplier Name, the related detailed information is displayed. Clicking the Customer Name displays detailed information about your company.
By pressing the button in the
overview of liability invoices, you create a new invoice into which
certain data from the selected invoice is copied (Customer Name,
Product, Currency, Bank Account Number).
The following tabs appear in the lower part of the dialog: Interest, Bound Invoices, Supplier Payments, Customer Payments.
On the Bound Invoices
tab, invoices issued are displayed which the factoring company issues
to you and that are bound to the selected liability invoice. Invoices
are displayed on the Bound
Invoices tab whose Invoice
Type can be Commission
, Generally
, Liability Accession Claim.
For detailed
information concerning issued invoices, see the section Issued Invoices.
On the Supplier Payments tab, the payment which the factoring company made to the supplier account for the liability invoice is displayed.
The Customer Payments tab displays the internal end of purchase (of a given liability invoice) that is created after the invoice amount has been paid to the supplier on the basis of which the factoring company will issue you a new invoice issued of the Liability Accession Claim type, which appears on the Bound Invoices tab.
When the factoring company settles the liability invoice with the supplier for you, it issues your company a Liability Accession Claim. This invoice (with its settlements) can be found in the overview of invoices issued.
The Interest tab is empty because it is not the Liability Invoice but rather the Liability Accession Claim invoice issued that yields interest.
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