Once the factoring company approves your request and issues
you a certificate, download and import it. The path to the personal
certificate file that you entered upon request generation is
automatically displayed in the User Login
dialog: C:\Smith_John.key
and press the
Now enter the password Heslo452
in the
Personal Certificate File Login dialog.
The File with Personal Certificates overview appears.
Press the button. Now the
download and import of the appropriate certificate, including the
import of the certificate from the internal authority, will take
place automatically. The user will be informed about successful
certificate download through a posted message.
Now press the button.
You will find the method to use during login in the section User Login.
A certificate password change can be made prior to logging
into the eFactoring system by pressing the button or after the user
has logged into the system using the Password
Change command from the Certificates
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