Importing Liability Invoices

You can enter liability invoices into the eFactoring application either manually or in batches. Use the Liability Invoice Import command from the Batches menu to import liability invoices to the factoring company in batches. Importing liability invoices into the eFactoring application is useful if you can export the file from your ERP system and if you want to enter a large number of liability invoices into the eFactoring application whereas doing so manually would be time-consuming. You can import files in the FACTOR BBS format into the eFactoring application.

After selecting the Liability Invoice Import command from the Batches menu, the New Liability Invoice—File Import dialog appears. Use the button in the Import File Name item to select the file you wish to import from the disk into the application and press the button.

After pressing the button, checks are carried out to determine whether the imported format and the file electronic key signature are correct.

After pressing the button, the invoices are imported to the factoring company and checks are carried out for each invoice entered. When entering invoices using a batch file, the application processes the entire batch file. During processing, all errors that potentially occurred are displayed for all invoices from the entire batch on the Imported File Detail form.


Matching Code + Supplier + Product Type must be unique.


If at least one error occurred upon batch processing, no invoice from the batch is entered; if the opposite is the case, all invoices from the batch are entered.

The liability invoice import structure is described in the section Appendices/Liability Invoice Import.

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